Driving Directions -

From the South. - 

       Choose either the Fast Route or the Scenic Route.

From the North or East - 

      Follow the Fast Route below.

 If using sat-nav -  avoid using either of our two postcodes which will lead you astray down narrow lanes.
Instead use:   Town = Keswick,  street = Nest Brow.
Low Nest is halfway up (or down) Nest Brow.


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Low Nest
To Kendal
& M6,J36
To Penrith
& M6,J40
1 Mile (1.6km)
      Enlarge Map.

Fast Route. -

From M6 J40 (Penrith) take the A66 towards Keswick. About two miles past Threlkeld and 14.3 miles (23km) from the M6 junction take the slip road signposted A591 Windermere. After 1/2 mile (800m), at the second T junction, turn left up the hill following the A591 towards Windermere. In 1 mile (1.6 km) you will be at the top of the hill and see some trees on the roadside on the left and a lane signposted to the Stone Circle. From here Low Nest is the second turning on the left, about 1/4 mile (400m) down the hill.

Scenic Route. (can be slow on bank holidays) -

From M6 J36 take the A590 towards Kendal then follow the A591 through Windermere and Ambleside towards Keswick. After Grasmere there is a long steep climb over Dunmail Raise followed by a descent to Thirlmere. After passing the Kings Head pub the road is fairly flat for 3.5 miles (including half a mile of dual-carriageway). After passing Dale Bottom Campsite you come to a right hand bend followed by a steepish climb. This steep hill is Nest Brow and Low Nest is the next turning on the right.